Professional Societies
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is the leading organization of board-certified plastic surgeons specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery. ASAPS Active-Member plastic surgeons are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Find information on Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia), Post-Bariatric, Liposuction (Lipoplasty), Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Chin and Cheek Augmentation, Ear Surgery (Otoplasty), Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty), Facelift (Rhytidectomy), Facial Implants, Forehead Lift, Hair Transplantation, Lip Augmentation, Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty), Chemical Peel Light, Chemical Peel Deep, Injectable Treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic or Myobloc®, Laser Hair Removal, Microdermabrasion, Micropigmentation, Spider Vein Treatment, and Skin Resurfacing. View before and after pictures (Photo Gallery). Obtain plastic surgeon referrals (Find a Surgeon) and cost information.
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The ISAPS can look back with pride on a 25-year history since the first draft of the Constitution and Bylaws was made in São Paulo on October 1-4, 1969, and on the accomplishment of the goals as summarized in the Act of Organization on February 12, 1970, at the Headquarters of the United Nations.
This site was chosen to reaffirm the international scope of the Society.
surgery room
The Founding and following EXCO Members, always backed by the General Assemblies, guided the Society in a straight direction overcoming birth pains and resisting human temptations.
This site was chosen to reaffirm the international scope of the Society.
These are the important facts achieved:
* Aesthetic Surgery has been maintained within Plastic Surgery, as was in the mind of the Founding members. The Society soon became the first Chapter of the IPRS, which recently incorporated Aesthetic Surgery to its own name and logo, IPRAS;
* Interchange of knowledge has been increased through 12 Congresses;
* Specially in developing countries. The Visiting Professors contributed as Ambassadors of the Society.
* New techniques and the result of experience and research were published, first in microform, and later in our outstanding Journal, "Aesthetic Plastic Surgery".
* A history of Aesthetic Surgery and a 5 volume textbook, written by prominent members of the Society, were edited.
As a result, Aesthetic Surgery has become a respected field of Medicine, represented by a responsible body of Plastic Surgeons.
Société Française des Chirurgiens Esthétiques Plasticiens
Créée en 1987, la S.O.F.C.E.P. est une société savante regroupant des chirurgiens qualifiés en « Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique » par le Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins (180 boulevard Haussmann - 75389 Paris Cedex 08 - Tel: 01 53 89 32 00 - Fax : 01 53 89 32 01, et qui pratiquent de manière prépondérante la Chirurgie Esthétique.
Tous les Chirurgiens qualifiés en Chirurgie Plastique auprès du Conseil National de l'Ordre ne sont cependant pas obligatoirement membres de la S.O.F.C.E.P.
(voir la Chirurgie Esthétique en France).
Les règles d'appartenance à la S.O.F.C.E.P. obligent ses membres à un devoir d'éthique rigoureux vis à vis du public. De plus, les membres de notre Société s'obligent à une formation permanente et à l'échange régulier de leurs connaissances. Ils s'interdisent la publicité individuelle, soit directe, soit à travers une Société Commerciale.
(voir Les pièges de la publicité).
S'adresser à un membre de la S.O.F.C.E.P. pour une intervention de Chirurgie Esthétique, c'est:
Avoir la garantie que le chirurgien est diplômé, c'est à dire qu'il présente une formation rigoureuse
Avoir la certitude qu'il (ou elle) s'impose une actualisation professionnelle régulière
Avoir la certitude qu'il s'impose des règles d'exercice définies dans la Charte de la SOFCEP.
(voir la charte de la S.O.F.C.E.P.).
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is a US federally registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization comprised of 20,000-plus member physicians, health practitioners, scientists, governmental officials, and members of the general public, representing over 100 nations.
The A4M is dedicated to the advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat aging related disease and to promote research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process. The A4M is also dedicated to educating physicians, scientists, and members of the public on biomedical sciences, breaking technologies, and anti-aging issues.
The A4M believes that the disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases are ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human lifespan can be increased, and the quality of one's life enhanced as one grows chronologically older.
The A4M seeks to disseminate information concerning innovative science and research as well as treatment modalities designed to prolong the human lifespan. Anti-Aging Medicine is based on the scientific principles of responsible medical care consistent with those of other healthcare specialties. Although the A4M seeks to disseminate information on many types of medical treatments, it does not promote or endorse any specific treatment nor does it sell or endorse any commercial product.
The A4M is comprised of 20,000-plus members from 100 nations worldwide, as follows:
* 85% of our membership are physicians (MD, DO, MBBS)
* 12% are scientists, researchers, and health practitioners; and
* 3% are governmental officials, members of the working press and general public
The disciplines of our physician members are roughly as follows:
* Family Practice, 23%
* General Medicine, 15%
* Endocrinology, 11%
* Internal Medicine, 8%
* Dermatology, 8%
* Plastic Surgery, 6%
* Cardiology, 8%
* Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.), 6%
* OB-GYN, 5%
* Sports Medicine, 4%
* Orthopedics, 2%
* Emergency Medicine, 2%
* Doctors of Chiropractic (D.C.), 2%
Türkiye Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneği
Türk Plastik Cerrahi Derneğinin Amaçları - Hedefleri:
1. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahinin ülkemizde ilerlemesini, uluslararası düzeyde tutulumasını sağlamak ve bunun için kendi kapsamında bulunan Maksilofasyal Cerrahi, Kraniofasyal Cerrahi, Mikro Cerrahi, El Cerrahisi, Kaza Cerrahisi, Doğmalık Malformasyonlarının Cerrahisi, Yanık Tedavisi ve Estetik Cerrahi gibi konularda bilimsel çalışmaları teşvik etmek, bilgi alış verişnin sürekli ve güncel olabilmesi için bilimsel toplantılar, sempozyumlar düzenlemek.
2. Yukarıda belirtilen konularda yüksek bilimsel düzeye ulaşmak için uluslararası bilgi alış verişini teşvik etmek, bu konularda ileri seviyede bulunan üniversite ve hastanelerle ilişki kurup bilimsel olarak yararlanmayı sağlamak, Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi ile ilgilenen diğer ulusal ve uluslararası derneklerle ilişki kurup, bu derneklere üye olmak.
3. En az iki yılda bir bilimsel kongreler yapmak.
4. Genç Plastik Cerrahların iyi yetişmesi, gelecek nesillere iyi örnek ve önder olabilmeleri için yetişme şartlarının uluslararası standartlar düzeyine çıkartılmasını sağlamak,
5. Üyeler arasında mesleki çalışmaları bilim ve hukuk yönünden desteklemek ve savunmak,
6. Genç Plastik Cerrahların daha iyi eğitilmeleri için yurt dışındaki bilinen merkezlerde üst eğitim görmeleri için çaba sarfetmek, yerli ve yabancı burs temini için uğraşmak,
7. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahların ve yeni yetişen grubun bilimsel olarak uluslararası düzeyde kalabilmeleri için yurt dışındaki önemli kongrelere katılımlarını sağlamak, yurdumuzda uluslararası kongreler, sempozyumlar kurslar düzenlemek,
8. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahinin ileri düzeyde tutulabilmesi ve gerekli çabaların etkin olarak yapılabilmesi için maddi olanaklara gereksinim olduğunu göz önünde bulundurup Plastik Cerrahlara ve dolayısıyla hastalara daha faydalı olabilmek amacıyla Plastik Cerrahi Eğitim Vakfının kurulabilmesi için çaba sarfetmek.
9. Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahinin içerdiği konuları ilgilendiren, meslek onurunu yaralayıcı ve küçük düşürücü, sorumsuzca yapılan davranışlar karşısında ilgilileri uyarmak ve gerekli önlemleri almaktır.
Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneği
Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneğinin Amacı:
Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahinin ülkemizdeki gelişimini sağlamak, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyini en üst seviyede tutmaktır.